Ballus chalybeius (Walckenaer, 1802)

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Description of Ballus chalybeius

Physical Characteristics

Small and remarkably compact spider. Somewhat resembles Sibianor aurocinctus.

Female 3 to 4 mm. Young animals have less clear markings.
Abdomen brown with a faint, light brown pattern and two dark spots in the centre.
Carapace brown with a faint light pattern.
Legs pale with a black spiral pattern. Pair of legs I slightly darker.
Palps darker at the top and pale at the ends.

Male 2.5 to 3.5 mm.
Abdomen black-brown with little light markings.
Carapace black-brown with little light markings.
In young males, the base colour of the abdomen and carapace is about as brown as the female.
Legs pale with a black spiral pattern. Pair of legs I black brown to almost the ends and greatly thickened and enlarged.
Palps black-brown with white hairs at the tip.


On leaves of trees and shrubs and in gardens.


Common in the whole of Europe.


Almost all year.